Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I'm retiring my Blogger Blog!

No, I'm not retiring from Blogging... I'm retiring THIS blog.

Believe it or not I’ve been ‘blogging’ since January 23, 2004. I started off at Rotten Tomatoes as a forum poster where I discussed films and eventually was one of the original posters in their VPL (Virtual Producer’s Lab) Forums. My very first movie review entry was of "Birthday Girl" with Nicole Kidman in my RT VINE JOURNAL.

A few days later I wrote my first Haiku: The Day and Night in the life of Glenn

And two years later here I am… My RT Journal is ranked 21st in the most active journals list with 85,733 views and 722 journal entries.

I don’t think I can retire that journal because I have a bunch of movie savvy online friends that visit that journal and comment on a daily basis.

But after years of keeping a more ‘personal’ journal at Blogger titled “The Hungry Hungry Screenwriter” because I wanted something more customizable, I am retiring the journal for something even more customizable and of course free. There are just too many Blogger.com blogs that look like mine. The templates available aren’t that creative and I don’t know how to write my own. So I’m using WordPress1.5 which is offered by the website hosting company that I use: Netfirms.com. Blogger.com is free, and very easy to use, and extremely user friendly for the new blogger, but Netfirms.com offers tons of special things like WordPress1.5 and Forums and even eCommerce. I’m paying for hosting already so I might as well get the most of my money and use all the different features. Plus, there are tons of great blog templates that I can choose from. The learning curve wasn’t that long and I’m beginning to figure out how to customize everything!

There you have it. Good bye Blogger Blog and hello WordPress1.5 Blog.

So here is the grand opening, or whatever you want to call it, of the my new online Blog!

Welcome to THE HUNGRY WRITER! Hope you enjoy!

Monday, February 06, 2006


Yesterday I was so tired… I biked 12+ miles, came home and grabbed the family. We went to Walgreens to drop off a prescription, went to the Mall, shopped at Target… and I resisted buying Xbox games since I over did the purchases last month. Then we went back to Walgreens to pick up the prescriptions, then went to Islands for lunch. I was tired! The kids… they were at home waiting for me to come home from the bike ride then got in the car and sat in shopping carts at Target…

And who fell asleep on the way to Islands?

And I was the one tired. They don’t have tons of similarities except for looks. She’s a girly-girl and he’s totally a boy. But they sure looked alike in the way they fell asleep in their car seats!

We couldn’t eat at Islands because they were asleep so we took it home.

I almost feel asleep before the Superbowl but got off the couch and went to Virgil’s for electric tape and VONS for milk, chicken breast (for dinner) and salsa for my chips.

Then during the first half I taped up my bike handlebars which kept me awake. I was out like a light by 11:00 PM.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday

That was a pretty uneventful Super Bowl. The beer of choice was…

Pilsner Urquell.

During the first half I was taping up my handlebars. The last half I sat down with chips, dip and a beer and tried to watch the game while the kids climbed all over me or ran around the house making noise. With five minutes left I had a plate of food on my lap and another beer at my side.

It ended as I thought - Steelers winning outright. I wanted Bettis to score though and I was shocked at the turnovers by Roethlisberger but not surprised by Matt Hasselbeck's pick. That’s the only thing that stood out in the game for me. So yeah – it was uneventful. Another year to go for another one of my Super Bowl parties!

But before the Super Bowl I went for a ride. 12.3 miles in 46.33. It was a lot of fun. Then the family went to Target and Island’s for lunch. Yum.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Sushi A Go-Go

Production meeting for Sushi A Go-Go…

It turns out that I’ll probably be doing a page one rewrite on the script. There’s a lot in the draft that I can use already, but going off of a new outline and free writing it like you would a new script feels better. I can cut and paste scenes but it probably will feel like I did just that.

Tonight Dale and I met for almost three hours to discuss first act structure. It seems like we are on the same page (so-to-speak) on the structure. Getting started on it is the tough thing. I really feel like treating it like a new script versus a rewrite on an old.

We’ll see.

See my training log for today: Triathlete Nut’s Training Log Blog

Friday, February 03, 2006

Did you know I use to tap?

Yes… I use to tap dance. And that’s way past tense.

Here’s the story. It’s never been told in detail. Some may have heard bits and pieces. Others may have even witnessed it first hand live or on video, but none have really known the mindset of my tap dancing phase. Here is where you will finally hear the story.

Just released from prison, I had to decide which of my previous professions to return to - burglar or tap dancer. I dabbled with cat burglary but found fame and fortune in tap.

No, not really. If it was that glamorous I may have reason to maybe brag about the whole ordeal. Unfortunately that’s not the case. But it is the synopsis for Gregory Hines’ (may he rest in piece) movie, “TAP” and not my movie, “Glenn’s Life” (coming soon to a blog near you).

Back in the late 80s I was suffering through an ECON major at UCLA. I knew I’d eventually finish college with a degree I really didn’t want. There goes the entertainment field, I thought. And once in my life outside of highschool, I wanted to perform on stage. I knew I wouldn’t be able to nail a lead role in a play or anything and found a small dance studio in Glendale. I decided that I could be like Gregory Hines and make it as a tap dancer. I didn’t know anything about tap dancing and soon realized classic tap is not the style Gregory Hines was doing. But I figured it was a good base as I looked for jazz tap dancing studios. At least I’d get my feet wet.

This is when I commited to a stage performance put on by the dance studio. It was to be held at the Glendale Highschool Auditorium. It sounded like fun. I’d be performing on stage! And the small group of adult beginner tap students (which included me) chose a song to perform to. Unfortunately I had no say in the costume. I figured it’d be like Gregory Hines. Casual, cool, jazzy… you know… something I could be proud of.

That wasn’t the case. It was some tight tight baby blue dance pants with a silver sequin vest over a very “Sienfeldesque” shirt. It was totally gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that) but this is not what I expected! But I sucked it up and did it anyway.

Speeding through to the performance… only a select few were invited. And they laughed their ASSES OFF as I danced on stage. Not because it was funny-funny… but because it was funny that I was up there doing what I was doing and wearing what I was wearing. I guess it was kinda funny-funny. My sister videotaped it for prosperity. I think the tape mysteriously dissapeared.

I never put on my tap shoes after that day. Not once. I was retired.

On a side note… later in life I did perform on stage once again. This time as comic relief in two different plays in Hollywood. It’s never too late no matter what profession you had to settle with.

And that, as they say, is that. And now on to my writing life…

Read about my Tri-training here:

(TriathleteNut's Training Log Blog)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The TriathleteNut's Training Blog...

Who's the TriathleteNut? That's me! And here's my training blog!

Training, training, training… I decided to create a blog dedicated to my training. My training logs can be found at www.beginnertriathlete.com but you have to be a registered member at the site. So here are my daily logs all into a RED blog. Red for passion. Or because it was the coolest template I’ve found.

These are the images I made to indicate the different stages of a triathlon.


The TriathleteNut

I love sports!!!

Am I the only one who can't wait for this? Baseball is my all time favorite sport. Out of all the sports packages to buy on DirecTV... Hockey, Football, Basketball... I always purchase the baseball package.

This means I can watch Baseball almost every night! Not that I sit there and watch, but its playing in the b.g. Maybe this is why Jake loves baseball more than any sport he plays.

Just hearing a game being called puts me into a comfortable mood. If it’s Vin Scully it is even better. It’s funny hearing other announcers from different stadiums talk about things like traffic getting to and from the stadium. Some announcers out there are so boring it’s amazing they have a job.

The Olympics need to happen on a yearly basis. This is another one of those sporting events that I relish and look forward to!

And once every year I have my Annual Superbowl Party!

Usually its just me and a couple of beers… and that’s not going to change much this year except a couple of beers may be just one beer.

The only question is... What will the beer be and who am I picking to win???

Here’s last year’s entry with the same question… (Last Year’s Superbowl Entry I chose Guiness Stout. Which was kinda heavy. This year it will be a light beer. Maybe Coors. Low in calories.

This will be SquintKid’s 6th Annual Superbowl Party! Whoo hoo!